Okay - so this is just a little follow up to the previous post, but hang in there folks.....I'll have something else soon.
Travis is off to Fort Lewis Washington, at least until next August when he is supposed to be deployed to Iraq. My prayers are that he not have to go, that no else has to go and the remaining heroes all come home safe and sound real soon. I put him on the plane Tuesday morning and cried like a baby. It's quite strange really, not having given birth to this boy, but still feeling like the mom. He calls me the "A Mom". (I did confirm that is a good thing!) Anyway, he has called or sent text messages every day and seems to be getting along just fine. He did say that he was freezing parts off of his body however. We had this discussion that it would be colder there than it is here in Idaho because of the humidity, but he didn't believe me and left some of his warmer clothes here (along with his hanging clothes bag that contains his Class A uniforms - couldn't get them on the plane without paying another $75.00 - he had too many bags). I miss him being around the house and one of my dogs is completely lost without him. He was her buddy. She keeps wandering around the house looking for him and curls up with the blanket that he slept with while he was here. It was nice having him here and seeing what a "man" he has become.
I know that this war is a controversial subject and I don't even want to go there......each person is entitled to their own opinion and can scream it at the top of their lungs if they wish and whether it is pro or against the efforts - the irony is they owe that freedom to those who have served, continue to serve and will serve in the future.
My heart and soul goes out to all of those serving this country. YOU are ALL my HEROES!! Of course I pray every day for their safety and the safety of those at home waiting for them to come home. I miss my "son" - he is in my thoughts each and every day and we all look forward to his return.
Be safe out there son and know that your "family" here loves you and prays for you daily. Come home soon!!
1 comment:
I would add a huge 'thank you' to those that have served our country in the past, too. There are lots of heroes out there that don't flaunt their history of bravery or think of themselves as heroes. And I happen to be particularly fond of one of 'em.
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