It's that time of year again - the time for everyone to worry about how they are going to pay their bills and afford christmas presents for everyone they know. It is the time of year when I really think about everyone..........my family, my friends, the men and women of the armed forces serving our country, the loved ones who have passed on, those more fortunate than myself and of course, with a heavy heart, those less fortunate than myself. It is at this time of year that I really think about all I have and all I have been given. It's not that I don't think about these things all year, just that at this time of year, when people are consumed with giving, it really comes to the forfront of my mind. I am reminded of everyone who has given something to me, most of which I take for granted and I don't think I am alone in this. Maybe this is the time of year that we should all reflect on ourselves, be grateful for what we have and thank those who are responsible for it.
First, let me start with my family - You are all so wonderful - thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. Without fail, you are there when I need you, be it happy times or times of sadness you are right there to lean on and show support. You all have no idea what that means to me. Because I don't say it as often as I should, THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU.
Secondly, my friends - I have so many friends. I am so fortunate to have each and every one of you in my life. I love you all more than words can say.
Next, it goes without saying, I am very grateful to the men and women of our armed forces fighting for our country domestically or abroad. One soldier, who I care for in particular, is on my mind daily. Be safe out there and know that you are loved and appreciated.
I would say that for the most part in thinking of those who have passed on, I am very selfish. I want them here, with us, celebrating the holidays, family and friends. I have to believe that their beautiful souls are in a better place but my heart still holds the empty space that they once filled.
To those of you more fortunate than myself - I pray you use your wealth, power and influence in a positive manner - to further prosperity and to assist in assuring safety and security for all mankind.
Last but certainly not least, to those of you less fortunate than myself. I CARE, I am here for anyone who needs a helping hand. I pledge that if I cannot help, I will do my best to find someone who can. I spend my life dealing with people who have made less than honorable decisions in their lives and I believe that everyone can change if they have the desire. I care more than anyone knows. I pray that anyone who needs a helping hand gets it, that anyone who needs a morsel of food is fed, that anyone who needs shelter finds it and to anyone who feels that they are at the end of their rope, tie a knot and HANG ON. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes it's hard to know how long the tunnel is or how many twists and turns there will be along the way.
I will close this post by saying thank you to all of those who have stood by my side through the good, the bad and the ugly. You know who you are and I hope you know how very much I appreciate all you do for me. Take care this holiday season - Merry Christmas and may your new year be filled with all you wish for.
1 comment:
I am so proud to call you my friend! You are a great example & inspiration! You always make me cry!
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