Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's NEW to me!!

So this is my first shot at something that I hope will be a stress relief and a way to express my opinions (right, wrong or indifferent) to others and get some feedback that could potentially broaden my horizons and maybe open my cynical mind a bit!!

My niece has been after me for some time to start this blog and assures me that it will help with my over-taxed mind and anxiety level.

I am, as stated in my profile, an adult misdemeanor probation officer and my main job is as the Drug Court Coordinator. I took over the coordinator position last August (2006) and it has been a struggle, but for the most part pretty rewarding to assist others in changing their lives.

I turned the "F" word (40) this year and so goes the struggles of the dreaded "middle age" that I was definitely dreading and am still hating the idea of. It took me the entire decade from 30 to 40 to accept that I was no longer 20 something - so I have decided that this last birthday was the last one that I will ever "Celebrate". I know turning 40 is better than the alternative and I am certainly not wanting my life to be over, but I cannot even begin to comprehend the idea of becoming 50 anything!!!

Most of my blogs will no doubt be nothing more than babbling about what ever may be on my feeble mind at the time, but hopefully will be entertaining at times to those that choose to read and leave comments.

Some may be wondering why I chose to title my blog site "Blackwidow's Web" - well - it's like this. My nickname for many years now has been "The Blackwidow" and was coined by my ex-husband. His last name being Black and our divorce was somewhat less than civil - so he starting calling me The Blackwidow - to everyone that would listen. Now, I find this a bit ironic since we all know what happens to the blackwidow's male counterpart once she has had enough of him. I have proudly carried the moniker since that time and pretty much everyone who knows me, knows me as "The Blackwidow". Hence the Blackwidow's Web signifies my own mind.

Okay - ya'll - that's it for now. Gotta wait for the web to fill with new morsals to write about!! Will post again soon - Please feel free to comment and give me ideas to blog about!!! Till then...................


Sandra n' Mel said...

Hey Blackwidow- enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work & look forward to learning more about what's going on up there in yer web..... It's good to clean out the spider & dust webs every now & again!!

Focused Interview said...

Hey Girl,

Congrats on the blog, it looks great! After seeing some of the folks you deal with on a daily basis, I can't imagine why you would want to blow off a little steam!

Can't wait to see you again...this time, lunch is on me :))

Shells said...

How could your ex have ever imagined that to be an insult! I would have claimed it proudly too! It is unfortunate that my ex didn't even have the brains to come up with a good name for me :(

Enjoy blogging!

Blackwidow said...

Hey thanks for guys are the bomb!! I plan to write a little blog later - but work is pretty busy right now!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Welcome to the blogosphere, m'dear. I was thinking I was gonna be your first commenter... but alas!

Looks great so far!

And I never had heard the story behind the 'Blackwidow' - but that's awesome. (Stay tuned for my next installment: "Lying, Cheating Whore's House")

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

And because being a shit is what I do... tell me about "Yound and the Restless" (as stated on your profile) and where it can be viewed...

Love ya!

Sandra n' Mel said...

Erica.....I can't believe that you have NEVER seen the Young & the Restless!!! LOL