Sunday, September 20, 2009


So, my last post was mainly about losing my precious Felony.  But alas, she has been found.  Here's the scoop......
About a week and a half ago, I was in the emergency room with my son (story for another time) in American Falls and got a call on my cell phone from a dear friend.  She began by telling me that she had an extremely hard time getting ahold of me, had to contact my sister to find me since I am no longer on facebook.  Then she told me how she remembered one of my last posts on facebook was that I had lost my dog.  She said that she had decided to adopt a dog through the humane society and that when she went to look, she had in mind that she would try to find a smaller dog, who would be a great lap dog and companion.  She saw this little frail female miniature pinscher who was deaf and had no teeth.  She said that she was so in love with this little dog that she decided to talk to her husband about adopting it.  She asked the lady to hold on to the dog and that she would talk to her husband and then call her.  When she got home and talked to her husband, he had decided that the one dog they had was enough, but that if it meant that much to her, to go ahead.  She debated on calling the woman back because something didn't feel right about adopting this little dog, but she couldn't put her finger on just what was bothering her about it.  She said that she walked into a room in her house and as she turned the light on, a "light" popped on in her head and she remembered seeing my post on facebook and the picture of my precious Felony.  She called the lady back and asked her if she had any history on this dog.  The woman, who was fostering this little dog, said that the dog was found in American Falls over a month ago and that it had been taken to the animal clinic because they thought that she needed to be put down.  The vet had notified her that the dog had been checked and other than being a bit thin, not having any teeth and being deaf, she had a strong heart and her lungs were clear.  She had a bit of an ear infection, but that was starting to clear up.  The woman said she would foster the dog until a good home could be found.  Well at the point, my dear friend decided that this could possibly be my dog and she knew she had to get ahold of me.  Which she did after having to call over hell's half acre to find me.  After telling me the story and giving me the name and number of the dog's caretaker, I called the woman.  She was wonderful and I described my dog.......she said that she was pretty sure that this was my dog and that if I could come and identify her that I could take her home.  What a time for my son to be in the emergency room......and that wasn't the only ER we had to visit that night.  The problem was bad enough that we had to go to Pocatello to the ER.  My sister had called my daughter to ask her if she was aware that Felony may have been located.  Well, needless to say, my daughter was dying to find out and get our baby back if it truly was her.  At that point, I knew that I would not be out the hospital until some time after 9 pm and felt that Chanelle should probably go and identify her.  I called the lady who had the dog and requested my daughter be the one who would come and identify her.  She said that would be fine and gave me the directions to her house.  Chanelle probably broke several land speed records getting out to her home.  She called me as soon as she left crying her eyes out and telling me that it was in fact OUR FELONY.  A miracle to say the least.  My baby is now home, where she belongs and being watched like a hawk now.  She is so fat now, it's absolutely pathetic, but I don't care.  She is home, I am happy and relieved and I can't thank my dear friend enough for remembering and not letting it go!!  Thank you my friend, GOD BLESS YOU today and always.