Happy New Year everyone. Hope everyone's holidays were as wonderful as mine. I was lucky - had all of my kids home, save the one who's dad doesn't think he should ever spend a holiday with me. Trav was able to be home from the Army and spend Christmas with us, so that was a present in and of itself. At any rate, the kids seemed to be rather happy with what they received from everyone and I was just excited to get it all over with. I really don't like shopping and this year it was really a pain because we had to wait until the weekend before Christmas to even get anything. I was able to spend some (very little) time with my niece and nephew, who were visiting from Colorado Springs. We met for lunch on said shopping weekend and it was great to see them both again.
So now, the new year is upon us and with every passing year, time seems to go faster and faster. Chanelle was loving it when the new year rolled around as she has looked forward to the year "2008" since about the 3rd grade or so. I think that is when she decided that she had had enough of elementary school and could not wait to graduate. Dakota was pretty excited for the new year as well because this will be the year he starts high school. Dave was looking forward to beginning the new year because the sooner it gets here, the sooner the snow goes, baseball starts, the snow melts and he can hit the "GOLF COURSE". I, on the other hand, would like time to just stop right now, let me get caught up with all that has fallen by the wayside and even a little ahead would be good. I don't make new years resolutions anymore.....keeps me from feeling like a loser when I don't follow through with them. Now I just set a goal, keep it in mind and know that "eventually" I will achieve it. I just set the goal, not the time frame.....see what I am getting at here? Oh....and the worst part of starting a new year........it takes me forever to get the year right when writing the date.