Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hello all - it's been a while since my last posting. But, it's getting really close to election time and I am feeling really confused and unsure of what to do. I like some of the views of both parties and I very much dislike some of the views of both parties. That leaves me in a bit of a pickle. So, as election day nears and I have no idea who I am voting for there is one thing that I am sure of.......hence this blog.
I am very proud to be an American and live in this great country. Not that I have lived in another country, but I don't feel that I really need to, in order to know that I wouldn't trade this country for anything in the world. (Kinda like I don't need to be shot, to know that I don't want to be!!!)
I got this little post idea from an email that was sent to me by my brother.....who is a veteran......and whom I respect more than he knows. I would like to share it with you all.

It is entitled "The Sack Lunches".

I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. 'Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq' After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached Chicago, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to Chicago ' His friend agreed. I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I walked to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant a fifty dollar bill. 'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.' She grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My son was a soldier in Iraq; it's almost like you are doing it for him.' Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers were seated. She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best - beef or chicken?' 'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked. She turned and went to the front of plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first class. 'This is your thanks.' After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane, heading for the rest room. A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars. Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain coming down the aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he was not looking for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my side of the plane. When he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his hand, an said, 'I want to shake your hand.' Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand. With a booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military pilot. Once, someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness I never forgot.' I was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the passengers. Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs. A man who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand, wanting to shake mine. He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm. When we landed in Chicago I gathered my belongings and started to deplane. Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man who stopped me, put something in my shirt pocket, turned, and walked away without saying a word. Another twenty-five dollars! Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their trip to the base. I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars. 'It will take you some time to reach the base. It will be about time for a sandwich. God Bless You.' Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow travelers. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer for their safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our country. I could only give them a couple of meals. It seemed so little... A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life wrote a blank check Made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in This country who no longer understand it.'

Ok – you all know that it doesn’t take much to make me cry and this little story is no exception. I barely made it through it before needing a box of Kleenex. What a wonderful story. True or not……many of us would do exactly what the man did in this story. And the definition at the end is priceless….and it is absolutely true. American’s need to remember what our soldiers are fighting for and what we should be supporting……whether we agree with this war or not…..our troops are doing the job they signed up to do. No one has been drafted as of yet and we hope that doesn’t happen. I, for one, support our troops with everything in me and more. I love my country and I love the men and women who stand up and fight for it and say “sleep tight, I’m watching over you tonight!”

Thanks again to all the soldiers fighting now, here and abroad and to all the veteran’s who have already done the job. Most of all, my heart goes out to the families of the lost soldiers, past and present. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. GOD BLESS YOU ALL and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Monday, July 21, 2008


As most of you know, Chanelle and I went on a little vacation a couple weeks ago. We left on the 6th and returned on the 13th. It was a full week of complete relaxation.

We went to visit my best friend Lindalee (from College). It has been about 2 or 3 years since I have seen her and that was when she was home for a funeral. She lives in northern Idaho, Coeur d'Alene to be exact (even though I thought it was Hayden). I have never been to Coeur d'Alene before and now I can't wait to go back. It is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful up there. She has a beautiful home right by the high school and a (family) cabin on Coeur d'Alene Lake.

I got to spend time with her extended family and they are wonderful people as well. I had met her husband Rex before, but never really got to know him until this trip. He is quite the catch, but then again I think he's pretty lucky as well. It was fantastic to see Carissa (her daughter), who was pretty much my daughter at one point in her life. She still has a teddy bear that I gave her about 18 or 19 years ago. She is a mommy now and has a beautiful little girl that is the spitting image of her mother. Rex's daughter, Addison, is with them for the summer and she is a real sweetheart. I missed seeing Chauntel (another daughter) because she is serving our country in the Army right now. God Bless and thank you for all you do Chauntel !!

We went to Silverwood, an amusement park, and had a blast there as well. I rode the Panic Plunge (a free fall ride) twice. Lindalee said that she wished she would have had a picture of my face the first time. Apparently it was priceless!! We got drenched on the river rapid ride. It took me all day to dry out, but helped keep me cool all day. Chanelle, Addison, Lindalee and I had the old fashioned saloon picture taken and we look like some mean bitches!!! It was a lot of fun.

I would love to have spent more time on the lake, but like an idiot........I kinda forgot that spending 3 days in the sun and not drinking much water can cause a little dehydration and.....
well.........I was a sick puppy for a about a day and a half. I felt ridiculous because I am definitely old enough to know better, but everyone was great and took care of me. I came home with a pretty killer tan though.

All in all, I think Chanelle had a great time and so did I. It was a much needed, fun and relaxing time. Thank you Lindalee and family for making my summer something to remember. I can't wait to do it again!! Loves and kisses to all!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It all seems to be ending.......

Well - graduation came and went and my baby girl is on her own. She moved out the day after graduation. (On only two hours of sleep I might add!!) I was really proud of myself because I actually made it through graduation with only one (yes only 1) kleenex. A couple of tears fell as she walked in, walked across the stage to get her "empty" diploma and when she walked out. So, much to the surprise of others around me and myself, I didn't bawl and carry on like a two year old. Now, that's not to say that that hasn't happened. I tell ya, I did great through the all night party, the moving endless amounts of her crap on only two hours sleep and leaving her apartment at 9:54 pm that night - after putting together a 6 foot shelf (all by myself even). But then monday roled around and the tears started and up until last night were still falling, and at some of the most inopportune times as well. Chanelle, you may have left home, but you will never leave my heart. Thank you for the gray hair, the wrinkles, the stretch marks, the bags under my eyes and the ulcers. Thank you for the laughs, the tears and the pains that I have been so blessed to experience while raising you. Thank you for being my best friend at times and for trusting me to lead you in the right direction.....even though sometimes my judgment wasn't the greatest. Most of all, Thank you for being the greatest daughter any mother could hope for. I love you and I miss you!
Her graduation was great and didn't last nearly as long as I had dreaded it lasting. The speaker was great - his advice to the graduates was simply this....."Pick a career that makes you happy - Money isn't everything!" That brings me to the next ending in my life. I have chosen a career that makes me very happy and the money isn't that great. I have struggled my entire life to survive and still be able to give my kids everything they could ever need or want. I truly enjoy what I do and my choice would not change if I had it to do all over. During my career I have been blessed to work with some of the greatest people you would ever want to meet. One of these such people is retiring this month and so ends a long standing working relationship. I have survived the retirement of several people through out my career but I will tell you this is one that I am only hoping to survive. The Honorable Judge Mark A. Beebe is retiring after 23 years of being a Magistrate Judge. I have had the honor of working with him for the last 4 years and have thoroughly enjoyed it. He is one of the most caring individuals I have ever met in my life. I have blogged about this man before and believe me, he deserves retirement. No one has ever worked so hard to change peoples lives for the better, and he is a great example to anyone who knows him. So as my time with Judge Beebe, known as "The Wizard" to me, comes to an end.....I salute you sir..........thank you so much for all of the wisdom you so graciously bestow upon me daily, thank you for your patience while I learn, thank you for your understanding when I fail, thank you for trusting me to make decisions and walk alone sometimes and for picking me up when I fall. Most of all..........Thank you for just being you.
So as my life seems to have some also has some new beginnings and I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead for me. I am sure that the lessons learned from these two people,who are so important to me, will carry me over, around and through all of the obstacles that might stand in the way. Thank you both for being a part of my life and know that my prayers and love go with you as you start the next chapter of your lives.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

You're Gonna Miss This

So.........yesterday I go home, like I do after a very long day, and am just looking forward to relaxing. Much to my dismay there is a package sitting on the desk. The package that I hoped would never come. My daughter's graduation package containing her cap and gown and her graduation invitations. Needless to say the crying fest began and didn't stop until I could no longer keep my eyes open. I am truly not ready for this step in my daughter's life. I cried so much, not just because she is graduating and going out on her own, but because my kids are growing up way to fast. I heard a song the other day and it really hit home for's by Trace Adkins and it's titled "Your Gonna Miss This".
Chanelle has been quite the little traveler in the last couple weeks. She recently returned from Yuma Arizona where she spent her spring break courtesy of her grandparents. (side note: they spoiled her usual) At any rate, I went to Salt Lake City to pick her up on Monday, March 31st. She sent me a text message as soon as her plane was on the ground to make sure that I was waiting for her. She nearly knocked a man down the escalator when she saw me and took off running down the thing to get to me. We cried like we hadn't seen each other for months. We were fortunate enough to have her bag be the first out on the conveyor and we were off. We had made plans to stop and see Grant, my 14 year old son, in Clinton, Utah. We arrived at his house and spoke briefly with his father in the front yard before knocking on the door. This tall, extremely good looking kid answered the door and I about asked if Grant was home. Chanelle and I were stunned at how much he has changed since November. That was the last time he was able to come and stay with us. He has grown close to a foot since then. He has changed so much that even Dave didn't know who he was from a picture in my office. Dave asked me who the guy was hanging all over our daughter. He couldn't believe it was Grant.
To totally top of the idea that they are growing up, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.........I had to go to the High School with Dakota, to register him for his freshman year. It seems like just yesterday when I became his mom. He was all of 3 years old and didn't like the idea of having to share his dad with me. Now he calls me mom and I proudly call him son. I didn't need to give birth to him to be his mother. I love him as much as I do my own.

So - they are growing up and I am getting old and the world keeps turning..........but that's the way it should be and I am starting to get used to it......(a little bit). One thing I know for sure, I am gonna miss this!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

I can't take it any more....

Well, it's about time I stop neglecting this little blog of mine. Not that a lot of people read it anyway, but I have been told (by a very close friend) that in my current state of mind, it couldn't hurt to spew away.

I am really bent lately that I seem to have become the housemaid. I am not called the loving wife or doting mother......I think I am lucky if I am called anything that doesn't constitute a word requiring asterisk and percentage signs to remain "G" rated. You see the family, loving little creatures (all 6 of them) that they are, seem to never be around when any work needs to be done. And if they are......well they are really good at ignoring it. I know I am the only one who notices that the mirrors/doors/glass need cleaning to see into or out of. I am pretty sure that unless they were to trip and hurt themselves, nothing would ever get picked up and put in it's proper place without my help. I know that we could grow new cultures for some sort of genetic research if I didn't diligently clean the toilets in the house on a weekly basis. The garbage gets taken out when "I" cannot seem to get another thing into the sack or I lose at the game. The family will gently stack whatever they are throwing out, so as not to disturb the bag that is resting so nicely in it's can. (As if they are playing a game of "trash Jenga" or something - "oooo, be careful, don't knock over the tower of trash!!!") The dishes are only done when I can't stand the smell coming from the sink area, there are no more clean dishes or I scream at the top of my lungs at my son to get the damn things done (because that is the only job he is supposed to do, without being asked.....well I am to the point, I don't ask anymore, I yell!!) My daughter refuses to do dishes, because....and this just slays me......she doesn't like the way it makes her hands feel. OMG - what do her hands feel like when she gets out of the hour and a half shower/bath or whatever it is she's doing for that long with the water heater working overtime to provide her precious butt with enough hot water to bath half of the free world!!!

And the biggest obstacle weighing on my mind - LAUNDRY - well, that's my life - if I don't have at minimum - 12 to 15 batches of laundry every weekend, then either something is horribly wrong in the Chavez home, or one or more of them have not been home for a couple days. My sweet, precious daughter changes her clothes a minimum of 3 times a day and nothing can be worn least not in the same month!! My son is about the same, only with him....this is how it goes. He gets up in the morning and puts something on. Gets somewhat ready for school and decides that he doesn't look cool enough in what he first put on and changes into something totally different. The problem with this is, the first outfit falls to the floor and eventually ends up in the "dirty" clothes hamper without ever being worn. Then when he gets home from's time to change into something different yet again.......not pajama's cause it's waaaaay to early for that.....just some shorts or sweats or another pair of comfortable jeans. These items of clothing are worn for approximately 2 hours before he has dinner and then it's shower time..........where yet another change of clothing will occur......still not the pj's.....nooo not quite bed time yet. This will be less clothing that the after school change, but not quite down to the skivies he wears to bed. A different pair of shorts/sweats and another t'shirt because any of the other's he wore earlier are completely unacceptable when you get out of the shower. Then at bedtime, well, the shorts (fresh after shower) and ANOTHER t'shirt are acceptable. My loving husband only changes clothes twice a day......his nice clothes or uniform for work and then the after work clothing. I seem to be the only one who wears the same clothing from the time I get dressed in the morning until I retire for the evening. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE DOING THE LAUNDRY???? My daughter will assist, when she wants something, but it is usually all of her clothes and what she finds in her bathroom, the kitchen and a few things that may have made their way to the laundry room. She would not dare actually get the dirtly clothes hampers from her brother's room or our room. That would be far to much to ask. My son says that he would do the laundry, but with the amount of dish soap he uses for one sink full of dishes - I wouldn't have enough laundry soap for all 15 loads. My husband says that he would help, but it's never good enough for me.....his way of deliberately doing it wrong so that I don't want him to touch the laundry.

At any rate......I have had all of the fun I want have. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

IT'S A BRAND NEW YEAR......or is it??
Happy New Year everyone. Hope everyone's holidays were as wonderful as mine. I was lucky - had all of my kids home, save the one who's dad doesn't think he should ever spend a holiday with me. Trav was able to be home from the Army and spend Christmas with us, so that was a present in and of itself. At any rate, the kids seemed to be rather happy with what they received from everyone and I was just excited to get it all over with. I really don't like shopping and this year it was really a pain because we had to wait until the weekend before Christmas to even get anything. I was able to spend some (very little) time with my niece and nephew, who were visiting from Colorado Springs. We met for lunch on said shopping weekend and it was great to see them both again.

So now, the new year is upon us and with every passing year, time seems to go faster and faster. Chanelle was loving it when the new year rolled around as she has looked forward to the year "2008" since about the 3rd grade or so. I think that is when she decided that she had had enough of elementary school and could not wait to graduate. Dakota was pretty excited for the new year as well because this will be the year he starts high school. Dave was looking forward to beginning the new year because the sooner it gets here, the sooner the snow goes, baseball starts, the snow melts and he can hit the "GOLF COURSE". I, on the other hand, would like time to just stop right now, let me get caught up with all that has fallen by the wayside and even a little ahead would be good. I don't make new years resolutions anymore.....keeps me from feeling like a loser when I don't follow through with them. Now I just set a goal, keep it in mind and know that "eventually" I will achieve it. I just set the goal, not the time frame.....see what I am getting at here? Oh....and the worst part of starting a new takes me forever to get the year right when writing the date.